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Remote Filesystem

Since VirtFusion v3.1 remote filesystems are supported.

Remote filesystems will need to be mounted locally on each hypervisor. This can be achieved by using software such as CephFS, CIFS, SMB, iSCSI etc.


There are a few limitations you should be aware of.

  • Offline migrations are not supported (Live migration is fully supported. Even with a mix of local and remote disks).
  • Backups will be disabled for remote disks.
  • Disaster Recovery will also ignore remote disks. Only the local configurations and assets will be stored.

VirtFusion Configuration


From the Admin menu, select Compute Resources -> Datastores

Click the Add Storage button at the top right of the screen.


Select the correct Type and give it a Name. Then click Add.

On the next screen you can configure certain cluster settings.


Fill in the Capacity and the Path of the local mountpoint. The remote filesystem must already be mounted to this point).

Click the Update button to save the settings.


Edit the hypervisor you would like to add the storage to and click the Add Storage button.


Give it a Name, select Type Datastore, select the Datastore you created, leave Configuration blank and then click the Add button.

You should now be able to create servers using the new datastore.