System Backup
A database backup is of no use unless you have a backup of the system encryption key. Navigate to System -> System Backup
and copy the Encryption Key
. It will look similar to base64:6oQ0Z1Yz29gMAGrGEPFjHDGqEwW/Fj4vG8ATAZsqL9U=
. Make sure you make a copy your key and store if somewhere safe. It will not be included in any of your backups.
Automated Backup
VirtFusion supports automated backups of its database using either local storage, SCP or a combination of both. You can find the settings in the admin area System -> System Backup
. All the options should be self explanatory.
Manual Backup
We know some people like to be in full control of their backups are prefer to offload backups using different methods. Below you will find a few examples on how to dump the database.
Finding the Database Name
Each control server install will have a unique database name. The name can be found by running the following command:
cat /opt/virtfusion/app/control/.env | grep 'DB_DATABASE' | cut -d'"' -f2
It should print out the database name. For example:
root@control:~# cat /opt/virtfusion/app/control/.env | grep 'DB_DATABASE' | cut -d'"' -f2
Dumping the Database
Simple dump:
mysqldump --user=root DATABASE_NAME > /tmp/database.sql
Single transaction using gzip
mysqldump --single-transaction --opt --user=root DATABASE_NAME | gzip > /tmp/database.gz