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Version: 4.1

PHP Compatibility

Hypervisor Specific

From time to time we release new versions of PHP for your hypervisor. This allows us to keep VirtFusion up to date. If you don't update your hypervisor level software often enough (DNF/APT) you may run into issues with VirtFusion.

To update to the latest version of PHP you can run the following commands.


Running the following commands may disrupt the connection between the control server and hypervisor. Make sure no server tasks are running. Ideally put the control server into maintenance mode.


apt update
apt install vf-php8 vf-system-php8
systemctl restart vf-php8-fpm
systemctl restart vf-system-php8-fpm


dnf clean metadata
dnf update vf-php8 vf-system-php8
systemctl restart vf-php8-fpm
systemctl restart vf-system-php8-fpm

Your hypervisor should now be on the latest PHP version.

(Re) Installing the VirtFusion Package Repository


You don't need to take this step unless you are still having issues with PHP. You also don't need to take this step if you are not using RHEL 8 or Debian 11

Very early versions of VirtFusion used a different package repository and your installation may still be using it. You can add our newer repository using the following commands.

RHEL 8 Only

dnf config-manager --add-repo
dnf clean metadata
dnf update vf-php8 vf-system-php8
systemctl restart vf-php8-fpm
systemctl restart vf-system-php8-fpm

Debian 11 Only

echo "deb bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtfusion.list
curl -s | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/virtfusion.gpg --import
chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/virtfusion.gpg
apt update
apt remove vf-php8 vf-system-php8
apt install vf-php8 vf-system-php8
systemctl restart vf-php8-fpm
systemctl restart vf-system-php8-fpm
Still having issues?

If you are still having issues with PHP. You can submit a support ticket for further assistance.